The Tyree Family

The Tyree Family
Kevin, Jocelyn, Connor & Grady

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Easter 2012

 We had a  great Easter!  We spent Saturday morning at the Oregon Zoo's Easter Egg Hunt.  Connor was such a great big brother.  He helped Grady look for candy.  Sunday morning we went to church.  It was very special this year because Connor was an alter server.  I was so proud of him.  He did an amazing job!  After church we went to Auntie B's house and had our annual Easter egg hunt and brunch.  What a fun day!  Grady loved finding eggs!

 Meeting Peter Rabbit at the Zoo- Grady loves to see characters!

 Connor and his cousin Matteo

 Chandler and Lilly

 This is fun!

Preston was hilarious!  He didn't want to hunt for eggs, he enjoyed playing in the ivy!

Peter and Parkin

Daddy and Grady going through his eggs

Connor and I made these rice crispy treats together.  I think they turned out great!